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Fascinating 😃 Hong Kong 2015, Day 3 n 4

  Day three should be considered our final stay with full blasts energy because the next day we had to fly back at 10 in the morning. We went to Salisbury Garden first after we checked out from our hotel. we sat there looked at people and we planned our day. Good gracious I actually had a friend in Hong Kong but I forgot about her. She contacted me after she saw my FB posts about Hong Kong. She suggested a park in Nam Cheong.

 We headed to Hong Kong's Avenue of Comic Stars. whoaa! was my feeling. once when i was small and cute, i love comics especially those by Tony Wong. Not a really massive place but it was interesting. We then headed to a maze garden, It was quite cool though not much challenging for me. Walking around carrying 10 kilos was crazy.

  After a long day of walk, we headed to Nam Cheong Park, we asked the locals but none gave us directions cause they said they never heard of such park in Nam Cheong. We wandered and we were lost in a park,a really dull park there. To kill the time, we had our first stinky tofu and i must admit I don't favor the taste nor the smell. 

  After a while, we tried searching for the right park. Thank goodness we finally found the right one. It was the early of spring, the flowers started to bloom and they were beautiful. Too bad I did not get the chance to see them fully blooming.
 AFTER we visited Nam Cheong Park,we saw a sign 'wholesale food market'. Tricked by the word 'FOOD', we headed there. We went through a subway which was  reallllllllly stinky. We had to wear masks.
When we reached the market, it turned out that the market was only for insiders and not for everyone. And it was closed. It was 8 pm baby, no wonder. so we headed to Sunny Bay for our wonderland. hmm another unexpected thing happened there, Audrey forgot her phone and camera in the train to Disneyland. We waited for the train to came back and could not find her things. 

So we told the officers and they helped us to lodge a police report. The policeman in charge was very careful in doing his duty. 

   It took us  3 hours for the whole thing to be settled, not fully cause we need to wait for the next day in case someone returns the lost things to any MTR stations.

    Trip to wonderland was not so pleasing. hmm. So we went to Victoria Peak but we could not enter because we had problem with our octopus cards.. 
We had no choice but to head to the airport. We stayed the night there.

SLEEPING in THE AIRPORT was not a good idea. I could not sleep well because the weather was so cold for me. Too cold I had to keep jumping to keep myself warm that night. I ended up sleeping hugging myself.

  To have a good start, coffee was a must and whoah the instant coffee i had indeed was marvelous. Audrey settled her issue with the MTR station and good news someone returned her things. 

30 minutes before boarding, we were still shopping in the airport. When we realised about the time, we had to run and rush . HKIA was not a massive airport, it was beyond that. We had to take MTR and a shuttle bus and ran and ran . phews. We made it to the plane. 2 hours later, we safely landed in Land Below The Wind.

There were many other experience I gained in Hong Kong. Would surely return for another adventure.


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