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Fascinating 😃 HONG KONG 2015 Day 1

March 15- March 18 2015 
You hold the plan. 

Hong Kong is a small well-developed city which is divided to four different islands that are connected to each other. Namely; Lantau Island, Hong Kong Island , Kowloon and New Territory.

I had a roller coaster 4 days 3 nights trip to Hong Kong. 
 We saw a good ticket promotion to Hong Kong and yes, opportunities like this shouldn't be wasted. We bought it for about RM400 which equals to about 800HKD to 1000HKD

From Kota Kinabalu International Airport to Hong Kong International Airport, it took us 2 hours 55 minutes. 
The weather was cold, 18deg. For a Malaysian, yes that is indeed very cold. 

The very first thing we did after we exit the plane was take a video. I would say videos are much better for a throwback. We were lost but we did find the information center. We asked for a map and we went to another counter to buy our Octopus Card (Adult). Octopus card is a journey card, you use it for transportation. We paid HKD 150 for it. 50 HKD is the deposit. They got free WIFI in the airport so we took some time to rest. 
The HKIA is located in Lantau Island. We bought a group ticket set journey to Kowloon Station In Kowloon. We paid 190 HKD overall for the Airport Express. The journey was 46KM long and it took us half and hour to reach the next station.

We were lost in the station . We took quite some time to get out from the station as it was really massive and we were just not familiar with it. With the help of a good lady and an uncle we managed to get out from the station. We took a taxi to Mirador Mansion. We paid 38 HKD for the taxi. Mirador Mansion is located next to Chunking Mansion and in front of I Square Shopping Complex. 

We booked a room for three in USA Hostel and we found the right Hostel at around 12p.m. Too bad we had to wait until 2 p.m for check in. The long wait ended but we had to wait for another 46 minutes because we did not take a number and no  one told us to. We were all Hangred (hungry,angry and tired).

We got a small room on the 8th floor with one queen-sized bed, one single bed. There was a small shower room, WIFI and two large windows. The room was small but it was comfortable with great view on the busy street of Nathan Road.  We paid about 100HKD each per night. 

30 MINUTES wait for the room to be ready, we killed our time in Chunking Mansion. You can find many Halal food here as most of them are selling Indians and Malays food. They can also speak Malay. I don't really like the atmosphere there.  We bought mineral water there for 6HKD. The cheapest I guess.

We went outside of the mansion, continued walking and we found Signal hill. A really quiet place. There were many Pinoys there I believe I heard them talking Tagalog. A nice place to meditate. 

The scariest thing happened when I was taking a picture of my friends in front of a 7-eleven. We entered 7-eleven and was greeted with a huge dark man asking to look at my friend's camera. "Can I look at your came?! I saw you take picture of my friend.". My friend defended herself and thank goodness he didn't have any proof. Since that, we were more careful in taking pictures. 

We went to our room and rested till 7 p.m. around 8.40 we went out to watch Symphony of Light at Victoria Harbour, few minutes walk from Mirador Mansion.
While taking pictures and videos at Victoria Harbour, a teenage boy approached us. The situation was pretty funny. I communicated with him using English and he used Mandarin, with the inclusion of sign language, we could somehow understand each other. 
Night View of HK Island from Victoria Harbor
Symphony of Lights
(The sea breeze is a perfect combo
when watching Symphony of Lights)

 I did not have a pleasant first day. Truth be told we met too many selfish rude people on our first day. It somehow made me wanna go back home. I am not used to be treated like they treated us, cause back in Sabah, I rarely meet such people. 
A reflection is good before you sleep, you'll wake up feeling more motivated. A deep sleep for a better Second Day


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