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10 Simple Things You Should Be Grateful About.

Gratitude is one of the most essential essence you have to adapt in life.
Gratitude makes you look at life in a better perspective.
Gratitude makes you happier.

It is pretty common to be thankful when we get big things in life, maybe a 100 million prize, a house , etc.

But how many of us have ever feel grateful for the simple things in life?

Here are 10 simple things in life to be grateful about.

1. A new day.

   Do you know that while you are sleeping at night, there are people who died suddenly in their sleep? 
There are people who died in accidents, heart attacks.
Some people never make it through the night. 
If you wake up in the morning, that's something to be grateful about. 

How to be grateful : Do your best everyday. Be a better person.

2. A shelter

Some people are finding shelters under used boxes, bridges, arms under their head as pillows. 
If you are sheltering within four walls and a roof , that's something to be grateful about.

How to be grateful : Get enough rest. Your body needs it.

3. Functioning body parts

Some people prayed every night to be able to see, some to hear, some to speak, some to walk.
If you have functioning body parts attached to yourself, eyes to see, ears to listen, mouth to speak, arms to reach out, legs to walk , that is something to be grateful about.

How to be grateful : Use them. Wisely. Read books. Listen to good thoughts. Reach out to people. Wander to places that inspire you. 

4. Food and water

Somewhere out there, someone is digging a trash can to search for food. Drinking rain water on streets. 
Some even have food and water only in their mind. 
If you have food and water enough to fill your hunger, that's something to be grateful about.

How to be grateful : Finish your food and water. That way you are not robbing the poor.

5. Decent clothes

Some people get their clothes by digging by garbages. 
Some are wearing the same thin worn out clothes for months. 
If you have clothes to warm you during freezing days, cover you decently during warm days, that's something to be grateful about.

How to be grateful : Donate to the needy. Spread the blessing you received.

6. Parents

When was the last time you have dinner with your parents? 
When was the last time you call them? Was it last year? 2 years back? Or too long you've lost count? 
There are babies who lost their mothers during birth. 
Some children lost their father while growing, worse case they lost both. 
Some never even know what it feels like to have a mother or a father.
If you have both parents or either one, alive, call them, tell them you love them. Because they are something you should be grateful about.

How to be grateful : Love them. Show them.

7. Friends

Friends can be annoying. Bothering even. But they are friends. 
If you have at least someone to talk to when you are down, someone who would say yes to your lunch invitation or someone who knows you don't eat garlic. That's something to be grateful about.

How to be grateful : Send time with your friends. A lunch, a call, a message and the best way is to keep them in your prayers.

8. Emotions

When angry. Be thankful. 
When sad. Be thankful. 
When happy. Be thankful. 
When confused. Be thankful. 
When frustrated. Be thankful. 
Be grateful that you can feel, you can react. Emotions are good, it means that you are alive. That is something to be grateful about.

How to be grateful : Take a deep breath and simply say " thank you , I am alive " in your heart.

9. Knowledge

Yes! We should be grateful for whatever knowledge we have.
If you know how to read be thankful, there are people who can't even spell their name ( sadly in this world, not everyone has access to education) .

How to be grateful : Share. There is a saying that says when you share your knowledge you'll get it back twice. Share whatever knowledge you have, someone  needs it.

10. Faith in God

Last but not least, be grateful for your faith. To believe that there is a greater power in life than us, help us to be humble. 
Pride kills, and egoistic human will make a chaotic world.

How to be grateful : Pray. Praying is you communicating to God. It'll remind you that there is a greater power above you. 

It is never to late to start to be grateful for the simple things in life 😃


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